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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Accommodation. Visitors to WKNP can stay at either the Elephant Training Centre (ETC) or at the Way Kanan post (13 Km into the park). At Way Kanan we can find cottage,a dock,shelter,and a spy tower for monitoring the wildlife of animals . Indonesian style accommodation is simple but adequate, with clean linen provided but mosquito coils or nets are advisable.
Food. There is no food available at Way Kanan so it is necessary to bring your own. There is a warung at the ETC but that is only open during the day so it is advisable to bring your evening meal at least. There is a good market at Rajabasalama and it is possible to buy essentials such as coffee, noodles, and sardines at the parks gate shop at Plangijo, where crowds of children are always eager to sell you bananas and maize.Boiled water is advisable but it is possible to buy bottled water. There are adequate cooking facilities at both Way Kanan and the ETC. Be prepared to cook for yourself but occasionally everyone cooks together.
Picnic areas. There are picnic facilities at the ETC, Way Kanan and Plangijo, like : elephant pool, shelter,and cottage,but remember to bin that rubbish.
Service Area. There are souvenir shop,musholla,information centre,canteen,guard stand,toilet,etc.
Management facilities. You can find the information centre,laboratory,and warehouse.
posted by My Blog at 11:39 AM | Permalink |


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