Sunday, January 29, 2006
Way Kambas National Park
About Us
The Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) is situated in South-east Sumatra and is one of the last protected localities where habitats such as lowland rain forest, freshwater non-peat swamp and mangrove swamp can be found. It is one of the final refuges in Southern Sumatra for many rare and exciting animals, such as the Asian elephant, Sumatran rhino,Sumatran tiger,Clouded leopard and the White winged wood duck.
Way Kambas is 1,300 km2 in extent and the park was originally established as a wildlife reserve in 1937. It was gazetted as a national park in 1989 and is regarded as one of Indonesias flagship reserves and final declaration was in 1997. It is home to more than 300 bird species, most notably the white-winged wood duck and storms stork. Around 35 mammal species live in Way Kambas. Those of greatest conservation interest include the Sumatran rhino,Asian elephant, Sumatran tiger, and the Malayan Sun bear. The park also has many interesting species of plants, and is botanically important as the largest area of non-peat freshwater swamp and lowland Dipterocarp forest in any Sumatran reserve.
Way Kambas is famed for its elephants, with 200-300 in the wild and a further 70 in the ETC (Elephant Training Centre). Since 1986 rogue,orphaned and doomed elephants from all over Sumatra have been brought to the ETC (Elephant Training Centre) where they are trained for domestic and agricultural use. Elephants which might otherwise have been destroyed.There is only one species.It is from Asian Elephant species and most of them are from Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park,which had been moved. The second interesting point is the park (Way Kanan Park) supports over 270 species of birds.
The PHPA (Conservation agency of the Ministry of Forestry) also carries out regular anti-poaching patrols, and ecological surveys. Foreign conservation organizations often co-operate with PHPA in their efforts, with a joint European-Indonesian team presently working together in WKNP.
This leaflet produced by the Way Kambas Project aims to introduce you to the most popular of Way Kambas' animals, their ecology and the recurring problems which threaten their survival.Your contribution to Way Kambas and the surrounding community makes a different in helping Way Kambas succeed.
For Futher Information,Please Contact
PHPA BKSDA II - Lampung,
Jl. Haji Mena I B,
Tanjung Karang -Bandar Lampung,
Telp. (0721) 73882.

Way Kambas is 1,300 km2 in extent and the park was originally established as a wildlife reserve in 1937. It was gazetted as a national park in 1989 and is regarded as one of Indonesias flagship reserves and final declaration was in 1997. It is home to more than 300 bird species, most notably the white-winged wood duck and storms stork. Around 35 mammal species live in Way Kambas. Those of greatest conservation interest include the Sumatran rhino,Asian elephant, Sumatran tiger, and the Malayan Sun bear. The park also has many interesting species of plants, and is botanically important as the largest area of non-peat freshwater swamp and lowland Dipterocarp forest in any Sumatran reserve.
Way Kambas is famed for its elephants, with 200-300 in the wild and a further 70 in the ETC (Elephant Training Centre). Since 1986 rogue,orphaned and doomed elephants from all over Sumatra have been brought to the ETC (Elephant Training Centre) where they are trained for domestic and agricultural use. Elephants which might otherwise have been destroyed.There is only one species.It is from Asian Elephant species and most of them are from Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park,which had been moved. The second interesting point is the park (Way Kanan Park) supports over 270 species of birds.
The PHPA (Conservation agency of the Ministry of Forestry) also carries out regular anti-poaching patrols, and ecological surveys. Foreign conservation organizations often co-operate with PHPA in their efforts, with a joint European-Indonesian team presently working together in WKNP.
This leaflet produced by the Way Kambas Project aims to introduce you to the most popular of Way Kambas' animals, their ecology and the recurring problems which threaten their survival.Your contribution to Way Kambas and the surrounding community makes a different in helping Way Kambas succeed.
For Futher Information,Please Contact
PHPA BKSDA II - Lampung,
Jl. Haji Mena I B,
Tanjung Karang -Bandar Lampung,
Telp. (0721) 73882.