Sunday, March 26, 2006
Tropical rain forests are unique. Half of all animals and plants are found in rain forests, with an amazing estimate that one species becomes extinct every 30 minutes. It is often assumed that rain forests are of limited importance in our everyday lives.This is far from true since much of the food we eat and materials we use come from the rain forest. We must act now if the rain forests are to be saved, already nearly half of the world’s rain forests have been destroyed. We must be aware that we are vital to their survival and that we all benefit in many diverse ways from their bountiful resources.
Indonesia occupies less than one percent of the earths total land surface, but is home to one eight of the earth’s mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species. As Indonesias population increases, large areas of forest have been and continue to be converted for agricultural and commercial use. This rapidly disappearing forest together with intensive poaching has brought many species to the brink of extinction. Way Kambas and other national parks are increasingly important as they provide the last refuges for many of these endangered species and it is in these parks that their long-term survival lies. The conservation is under Department Of Forestry .
Indonesia occupies less than one percent of the earths total land surface, but is home to one eight of the earth’s mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species. As Indonesias population increases, large areas of forest have been and continue to be converted for agricultural and commercial use. This rapidly disappearing forest together with intensive poaching has brought many species to the brink of extinction. Way Kambas and other national parks are increasingly important as they provide the last refuges for many of these endangered species and it is in these parks that their long-term survival lies. The conservation is under Department Of Forestry .