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Sunday, March 26, 2006
A permit to enter WKNP can be obtained at the gate. They can also be obtained from the conservation HQ in Bandar Lampung (Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam 11). These offices are ½ Km up the hill from Rajabasalama bus station on the left hand side – look for another stone elephant. Everyone at the office is very friendly and helpful and will be able to give you further details about Way Kambas.
Adult Rp.1500
Kids Rp. 750
Way Kambas are open everyday from Monday to Sunday at 08.00 untill 17.00.
posted by My Blog at 11:41 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
The following directions are from Bandar Lampung.
Bus. Take a bus from Rajabasa bus station in Bandar Lampung to Way Jepara. The last direct bus to Rajabasalama departs at 15.00 hrs. Dismount at the stone elephant at Rajabasalama village. From there hire a motorbike taxi to take you to Way Kanan or the Elephant Training Centre (ETC). Arrive at Rajabasalama before dusk as drivers will not enter the park after dark.
Car. Take the Kota Bumi road north out of Bandar Lampung – follow the elephant signs!! It is possible to hire a taxi from Bandar Lampung to Way Kambas but this is considerably more expensive.
From Bandar Lampung Airport. As the airport lies on the Bandar Lampung/WKNP road, just cross the road in front of the airport and flag down a bus going to Way Jepara. It is also possible to hire a taxi at the airport to take you to Way Kambas.
Beside you can charter a car either a bus or rent a motorcyle called ojek is also possible.
posted by My Blog at 11:40 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Treks, Guided treks are available around Way Kanan. Please do not attempt to enter the forest without a guard as it is dangerous and you can very quickly become lost. Take good walking boots, long trousers and lots of water.
Boat trips. Out-board motorboats and driver can be hired for trips to the coast, with shorter journeys available and priced accordingly. If you want to potter around, a sampan (paddle boat) is available for hire. This quieter mode of transport may be more suitable for seeing wildlife.
Visitors centre. The ETC visitor centre deals with aspects of elephant training while the centre at Plangijo is designed to inform about the park, its wildlife and conservations issues.
N.B. Please do not arrive at the park expecting to see tigers and other such wild animals, and please do not press the guards into taking you to the outer reaches of the park, which is not permitted. If you are patient, quiet and with a little bit of luck you should see some animals, most probably elephants. If you see wildlife please show caution and respect. Record your observations and enter them in the sightings book at Way Kanan. Additional information on Way Kambas animals is available in a reference file held at Way Kanan.
Elephant Training Centre (ETC). There are elephant attractions every afternoon, with football games at the weekend. Elephant rides are great fun with longer 'safari' rides available, where it is sometimes possible to see wild elephants.
posted by My Blog at 11:39 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Accommodation. Visitors to WKNP can stay at either the Elephant Training Centre (ETC) or at the Way Kanan post (13 Km into the park). At Way Kanan we can find cottage,a dock,shelter,and a spy tower for monitoring the wildlife of animals . Indonesian style accommodation is simple but adequate, with clean linen provided but mosquito coils or nets are advisable.
Food. There is no food available at Way Kanan so it is necessary to bring your own. There is a warung at the ETC but that is only open during the day so it is advisable to bring your evening meal at least. There is a good market at Rajabasalama and it is possible to buy essentials such as coffee, noodles, and sardines at the parks gate shop at Plangijo, where crowds of children are always eager to sell you bananas and maize.Boiled water is advisable but it is possible to buy bottled water. There are adequate cooking facilities at both Way Kanan and the ETC. Be prepared to cook for yourself but occasionally everyone cooks together.
Picnic areas. There are picnic facilities at the ETC, Way Kanan and Plangijo, like : elephant pool, shelter,and cottage,but remember to bin that rubbish.
Service Area. There are souvenir shop,musholla,information centre,canteen,guard stand,toilet,etc.
Management facilities. You can find the information centre,laboratory,and warehouse.
posted by My Blog at 11:39 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tropical rain forests are unique. Half of all animals and plants are found in rain forests, with an amazing estimate that one species becomes extinct every 30 minutes. It is often assumed that rain forests are of limited importance in our everyday lives.This is far from true since much of the food we eat and materials we use come from the rain forest. We must act now if the rain forests are to be saved, already nearly half of the world’s rain forests have been destroyed. We must be aware that we are vital to their survival and that we all benefit in many diverse ways from their bountiful resources.
Indonesia occupies less than one percent of the earths total land surface, but is home to one eight of the earth’s mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species. As Indonesias population increases, large areas of forest have been and continue to be converted for agricultural and commercial use. This rapidly disappearing forest together with intensive poaching has brought many species to the brink of extinction. Way Kambas and other national parks are increasingly important as they provide the last refuges for many of these endangered species and it is in these parks that their long-term survival lies. The conservation is under Department Of Forestry .
posted by My Blog at 11:38 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
This project will undertake an intensive survey of the Asian elephant and Sumatran rhino to provide data on their population size,age structure, habitat usage and distribution around the park. This information will be vital in the management of these species and will provide material for use in establishing an awareness campaign, focused on conservation, the parks ecology and its important role in Sumatra and internationally. The field team is composed of representatives from PHPA, the University of Lampung, Ireland and the UK, each bringing their own valuable skills and experiences. It is an excellent working example of international co-operation in the fight to protect Indonesia’s wondrous wildlife.
The project has the approval and support of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF), BirdLife International, the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, the Royal Geographical Society and many others. Financial support has been received from British Petroleum, the British Embassy in Indonesia and British Airways as well as many other organizations and companies.

For Further Information Please Contact-
the Way Kambas Project,
C/o Kepala PHPA Sub Balai KSDA,
Way Kambas,
Jl. Way Jepara,
Labuan Ratu Lama,
Kel Way Jepara,
Lampung Tengah,
posted by My Blog at 11:37 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Much of the park is dominated by a mosaic of Imperata cylindrical grassland and secondary forest habitat types, primarily a result of intensive logging operations in the past, but maintained by frequent fires and seasonal flooding. A central core area of the park is characterized by relatively intact primary tropical rainforest.Many kind of animals existed in the park. The four biggest of interesting wild animals are:
Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) – Gajah

Description – although they may grow to 3 metres at the shoulder and to a weight of 5000 Kg, they are smaller than their African cousin. They differ noticeably in that the Asian elephant has smaller ears, and a single finger on its trunk.
Behaviour – they live in closely organized herds, with an old female as leader. Males live a solitary life and periodically enter an aggressive, rut like condition called ‘Musth’ . Both sexes love the water and bathe daily to cool down and clean themselves. 75% of their day is spent eating, with brief sleeping spells.
Habitat – they prefer lowland forest and WKNP is considered prime habitat
Diet – they eat 10% of their weight every day, and select only high quality grass, fruits and bark.
Life history – elephants carry their unborn baby for nearly two years. Calves are covered in thick, prickly hair.
Population – c.28,000 left throughout Asia, with c.3,000 left in 44 increasingly vulnerable populati
posted by My Blog at 11:36 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Here are two objects of Wisata which are able to visit in Way Kambas :
1.Elephant Training Centre (Pusat Latihan Gajah)
Elephant Training Centre was established in 1985/1986 with approximately 400 ha(hectares) at Karang Sari,which is located about 12 km from the entrance of Way Kambas National Park.In this area the wild Sumatran elephants are trained to be useful ones. Here also,you can enjoy some elephants attractions, as a playing football,swimming or riding on the elephant around the area.
Elephant Training Centre (ETC). There are elephant attractions every afternoon, with football games at the weekend. Elephant rides are great fun, with longer ‘safari’ rides available, where it is sometimes possible to see wild elephants. Strategy trouble-shooting of elephant which have been executed, that is dribbling and arrest of wild elephant ( Tata Liman), training of elephant ( Bina Liman), and also exploiting of elephant to life of society ( Guna Liman). Existence Of this ETC Way Kambas have given positive impact to environment around him. This ETC can be exploited as research media, education, and recreation.To take care of the elephants,the keeper let them free to find their food and taking a bath everyday from 7am till 3 pm,and after 3 pm they must come back to their stable.The elephant love bananas and grass and also coconut shaft. All the elephant are about 62 pieces and all were domesticated. Elephants train in this ETC have been exploited for, for example :
· Elephant Ride
This Elephant can be used for the safari of jungle; tourist can ride it as vehicle explore forest. this Safari elephant can be exploited also for the patrol of security of area.
· Elephant Catch
To be trained on how to be made by elephant catch and elephant train having special ability for the penanggulangan of elephant trouble, that is to catch wild elephant and train wild elephant of haul.
· Elephant Job
The Elephant trained and given the instruction to be conduct to works among others draw wood, interesting of wagon, carrier of goods or burden, ploughing agriculture farm, and others.
· Elephant Attraction
The Elephant trained and instructed to conduct acrobatic movement, for example: giving the salute, sit, standing,random the number, disco, dangdut dance, jaipongan dance, to step over people, and play at football.

2.Way Kanan
Way Kanan represent object of wisata natural which have the condition of natural environment which is genuiness still relative in the form of natural forest of primary ( tropical forest of lowland).
potency of Wisata natural in Way Kanan enriched with existence of River of Way Right which emit a stream go to sea or coast. By tracing this river can reach by places like Kali Biru and Wako.Kali Biru represent place of grass for wild deers which wide enough, can reach during about 2 hour with sampan or boat. While Wako represent very wide bog grassland as habitat ( life place) of deer, elephant, and bog birds. This place can reach in 4 hour with speed boat of Post of Way Kanan.
By tracing river of Way Kanan, visitor can look around various type of vegetasi exist in Garden area of Way Kambas National Park, for example that is " type of Vegetasi lowland forest " type of Vegetasi bog forest " type of Vegetasi forest of mangrove " type of Vegetasi coastal forest
Beside various plant type, [in] Right Way also can meet by various wild animal type, for example from group of mamalia,primate and aves. interesting in this area there are one very scarce bird type that is Mallard ( Cairina Scutulata).

WKNP are rich of various flora type from various type of vegetasi. In headwaters of Way Kanan River there are type of vegetasi lowland forest. Forest types able to meet in this area such as : meranti ( Sp Shorea), Greeting ( Eugenia Polyantha), Gristle ( Hopea Sp), Oil ( Dipterocarpus Retusus), Merbau ( Instia Palembanica), Jabon ( Anthocepalus Chinensis), and Flower ( Schima Wallichii). Type of Vegetasi bog forest growed by Nibung ( Oncosperma Tigilaria), Gelam ( Melaleuca Spp), Red Palm ( Cyrtostachys Lakka), Rengas ( Gluta Renghas), and types grass bog. type of Vegetasi forest of mangrove which predominated by Mangrove birchs ( Avicennia Spp), ( Rhizophora Spp), and ( Spp Bruguiera), Nipah ( Nifa Fruticans) and Pandan-Pandanan ( Pandanus Sp). Later;Then type of vegetasi coastal forest predominated by Fir-Tree Sea ( Casuarina Equisetifolia) and Cassia alata ( Terminalia Catappa).
Besides, in some place as long as river of Way Right can meet of a kind liana having bungan like flower " Sack;Bag of Semar" ( Nephentes).
In secondary forests can meet many types of Meranti (Shorea sp), Sempur ( Dillenia Excelsa), Flower ( Schima Wallichii),Jabon ( Anthocephalus Chinensis) and Rengas ( Gluta Renghas). In bog area or in area which wet always can meet Merbau ( Intsia Palembanica), Nibung ( Oncosperma Tigilaria), Cane ( Calamus Sp), Pandan-Pandanan ( Pandanus Sp), Gelam ( Malaleuca Spp), Red Palm ( Cyrtostachys Lakka), and grass types.
Besides there are crop of reboisasi Sonobrit ( Dalbergia Eusetifolia),Lamtorogung ( Leuacena Leucocephala), Kaliandra ( Caliandra Sp), and Jambu monyet ( Occidentale Anacardium) in area of ex- settlement which located in part of step aside area ( prop zona), for example in Karang Sari area.

Pursuant to zoogeografi ( area spreading of animal), WKNP is included in ' oriental region' and ' subregion sundaic' rich of wild animal types. Some among wild animal which are in WKNP that is:
1. Mammal
For example : elephant of sumatera ( sumatrensis maximus elephas), rhinoceros of Sumatra ( Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis),Tapir ( Tapirus Indicus),Rusa ( Cervus Unicolor),Kijang ( Muntiacus Muntjac),Napu ( Tragulus Napu),Babi Forest ( Sus Scrofa).
Besides there are another mammal types,yaitu : Honey bear ( Helarctos Malayanus),Harimau Sumatra ( Phantera Tigris forest sumatrae),Anjing ( Alpinus),Kucing Gold Cuon ( Felis Temminckii),Kucing Fur ( Felis Marmorata) and fox types.
2. Primata
There are 6 type of primate,yaitu : Ape ( Symphalangus Syndactylus), Owa ( Hylobates Moloch),Beruk ( Long Macacanemestrina),Kera Tail ( Macaca Fascicularis), Monkey ( Red Presbytis Cristata),Lutung ( Presbytis Rubicunda.
3. Bird ( Aves)
Area of WKNP have 286 bird types, among others: Rangkong ( White Bucerotidae),Kuntul ( Egreta Sp),Beo ( Gracula Religiosa),Ayam Forest ( Gallus Gallus),Pecuk snake ( Melanogaster Anhinga), and King Prawn ( Halcyon Funebris). There are also type of urung scarce taken as research object that is parroting mallard or forest ( Scutulata Cairina).
4. Others
In this area also there are types of Amphibia,Reptilia, and Fish ( Pisces).Reptilian types such as Sinyulong Crocodile, Estuary crocodile, Tortoise of Sisik and various snake type. While fish type which are here is Fish of Baung which is very famous as typical dish Float of Lampung.
posted by My Blog at 11:34 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
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